Solar Waterheaters
- Long-term savings due to reduced energy bills
- Maintaining hot water temperature even at low external temperatures
- Reliable and efficient water heating even in low sunlight conditions
- Plenty of alternative solutions for the energy planning of every household
- Designed for long life with proper maintenance
1. Hydroskeleton with 10 vertical copper pipes in the 2m2 collector and 11 pipes in the 2.5m2 ∅8mm cross-section and horizontal ∅22mm cross-section pipes. With 4 alternative connection points (outputs) of the closed circuit.
2. The mineral wool of 30mm thickness (24kg/m3) and thermal conductivity of 0.036 W/mK provides unparalleled insulation to the collector, which in combination with the 2 ventilation points create the ideal performance conditions.
3. The aluminum sheet is selectively painted and the thickness of 0.4mm increases its conductivity.
4. The outer glass is 3.2mm thick safety glass with low iron content.
5. The glass is applied with silicone to the panel, while there special frame around the perimeter, which protects the j from weather conditions.
6. The collector frame is black pre-painted aluminum, whic passes all endurance tests. It is tolerant to the distortion required during installation, without losing its mechanica characteristics.
7. The non-toxic mono-propylene glycol is used as a therm fluid, as it has characteristics that offer smooth operatio the system in both normal and adverse weather conditions.